Crafted Place
for Deve lopers
By Developers
Hello Byte Builders!
We're a dynamic team of developers


What all do we do?


Know all about the ‘dev events’ happening around.


Connect with developers around the world.


Learn quick tutorials from verified developers.

Practice Challenges

Play "Dev" flavored quizzes and get rewarded!


Talk about that "weekend-project" and the learnings!

Care to solve this
Dev Quiz?

We promise it's just going to take 5 mins. Plus, you'll win great rewards and merch. Go ahead and test your Dev brain a little.

Who is it for?

If all you can think of are codes then this is the place for you. We are a diverse community of people and we have a lil something for everybody.

People who wants to Network
Attend our events and meet other developers. Grow your network

Just code in Vanilla Javascript



Tailwind CSS is cool, you know



Hey! I am the new kid on the block. So how do I setup my environment?


Newcomers to the workforce
A platform for newcomers to the workforce to learn and grow and jumpstart their career.
Tech Students
A platform for tech students to learn and grow together.
Experienced Professionals
A platform for experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

Only if there was was a platform for developers that rewards them for their work...

Use ID8DevHub.

Reward hungry Devs
With xP Points, you can redeem amazing merch and vouchers.

We're Devs

We speak fluent

Explore our merch

We have a wide variety of merchandise for you. Collect points and win your favorite merch.

ID8DevHub T-Shirt

ID8DevHub T-Shirt

1200 xP Points

ID8DevHub Tote Bag

ID8DevHub Tote Bag

1000 xP Points

ID8DevHub Pillow

ID8DevHub Pillow

900 xP Points

ID8DevHub Bottle

ID8DevHub Bottle

800 xP Points

ID8DevHub Phone Cover

ID8DevHub Phone Cover

1200 xP Points

ID8DevHub Hoodie

ID8DevHub Hoodie

2000 xP Points

Exclusive Offers

Curated Brand Offerings, Redeemable Against Earned XP.

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